
SVG Icons

Adjust Size:

The icons in this template are SVGs, which makes it simple to change their color and size.

Icon screenshot
  1. Click on the icon you want to customize
  2. On the right panel, scroll down to the "Effect" section. By default, the icon has a 0.625x scale applied.
  3. Change the scale number to adjust the size.

    *Note that changes affect all icons across the site. To set different icon sizes, create a new class or combo class.
Instructions to edit the gallery section on homepage

Change Color:

Typography configuration panel
  1. Click on the icon you want to customize
  2. On the right panel, find the "Typography" section.
  3. Change the font color to adjust the color.

    *Note that changes affect all icons across the site. To set different icon colors, create a new class or combo class.
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